Tikhonova Anna Dmitrievna – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
Mokronosov Aleksandr Germanovich – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
The article deals with the theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem of ensuring the concordability of organizations as one of the most important characteristics of modern strategic management, reflecting the degree of harmonization of goals, priorities and forms of cooperation of the organization with the subjects of the environment. The relevance of this problem is due to the contradictory nature of the market environment, which contains the dilemma of the "competition-cooperation". The authors propose to consider the behavior of organizations from the point of view of the approach based on the system paradigm, suggesting that the market, as a socio-economic space, is a single system, which includes many elements, the composition and evaluation of the nature of the relationship depends on the objectives of the study. In the context of increasing the importance of the cooperative component of competitive relations, the importance of taking into account the concordability of the organization as one of the factors to ensure its sustainable development. Given the author's interpretation of the economic content of the term "concordant", defines the principles and types concordatoria behavior as well as place of concordance in the model management strategy of the organization. The parameters of mutually beneficial cooperation of subjects in the market are given on the basis of the principles of concordable behavior. According to the authors' hypothesis, concordability, reflecting the focus on the cooperation of the organization, can be an effective tool of strategic management.
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