Byzov Alexey Yu. – State Counselor of the Russian Federation 2 classes, Senior Researcher of the Scientific Research Center (Moscow) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of Honor, medals and memorable signs (Scientific Research Center (Moscow) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Byzova Olga M. – Associate professor, Candidate of Science, History, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy at Federal state budget educational institution of higher education “National research Moscow state University of civil engineering” (NRU MGSU), Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (Federal state budget educational institution of higher education “National research Moscow state University of civil engineering” (NRU MGSU))
We consider in historical retrospect the main stages of formation and development of state control in Russia and its current state. We show the implementation of control activities in accordance with the problem-chronological principle. The paper reflects place, role and peculiarities of state control in the system of state administration in different historical periods. We pay special attention to specific examples of control activities in the field of administration, industry, construction and social sphere. The paper is intended for historians, state and municipal officials of control bodies, researchers, teachers, post-graduate students, university students and colleges, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in national history and the problems of state control.
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