Lyashenko Elena Aleksandrovna – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
The article presents the author's approach to the study of the regional institutional environment of technopark structures. The method is based on the calculation of the integral index by regions. It reflects the level of implementation of new functions of institutional sectors of state, business, science and education in the post-industrial economy, based on network interactions. The state plays the role of a venture investor, a business research and educational organization, and universities become entrepreneurial. The collaboration of the three sectors is a source of innovative development, this is confirmed by the experience of foreign countries, which are based on the innovation policy model of the "triple helix". For the functioning of Technopark structures, the regional institutional environment is important, which will produce conditions for the development of partnerships and communications between the actors of innovation processes. The state is an active but not the dominant participant and coordinator. Approbation of the author's method allowed to rank the studied subjects of the Russian Federation by the level of the integral index. In the regions-leaders of innovative development, the integral index is higher than in the backward ones, which confirms the importance of forming a network of interactions of institutional sectors in the implementation of their non-traditional functions.
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