Leschenko Yuliya Georgievna – (Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy” ; The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
The «Basel III» standard has become a key element of the agenda for post-crisis financial regulation in the world banking system. In this work, the author explores the macroeconomic impact of «Basel III» on the «weaknesses» of the banking sector in terms of financial stability. These include the insufficiency of bank capital, the irrational use of the «financial leverage», the growth of non-repayable loans and a liquidity deficit. The key task of revising the structure of «Basel III», preceding «Basel II» and «Basel I», is to reduce the excessive volatility of risk-weighted assets of banks (RWA). Summarizing the results of the research, the author concludes that the impact of «Basel III» on the world banking system is both positive and negative. The results of application of the Basel III» standards show that many countries are already receiving significant macroeconomic benefits (the advantages of reducing the probability of banking crises, the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the range of 0.5% to 2.0%, etc.). However, banks face serious regulatory problems (the definition of fixed capital is more stringent, the risk weighting is high). The introduction of «Basel Standards» into Russian practice required representatives of the national banking sector to revise their own methodologies, systems and processes for maintaining capital adequacy and risk management. The Bank of Russia put into operation the main part of the elements of the «Basel Standards», adapting them taking into account the peculiarities of the national banking system. These elements, in particular, include a simplified standardized approach to assessing credit and market risk, as well as a basic indicative approach to operational risk. As a result, of significant changes in the regulatory framework of the Bank of Russia in the field of banking regulation aimed at bringing it in line with international standards of BCBS, Russia has successfully passed the RCAP (Regulatory Consensus Assessment Program) assessment. In March 2016, BCBS reports on the recognition of banking regulation in the Russian Federation were issued in accordance with the standards «Basel II» and «Basel III». The final part of the working presents:(1) the implementation of the «Basel III» standards in the Russian Federation in comparison with international practice, and in particular with the BRICS countries and the World Financial Centers; (2) author's point of view regarding the regulation of «Basel III». The main sources of research were the regulatory documents of BCBS, the materials of some banks, as well as studies by Russian and foreign scientists.
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