Artemova Natalya Yurevna – (Penza State University)
Vlasov Andrey Vasilevich – (The National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE))
The changes taking place in the global markets are largely due to the rapid development of information technology. The ongoing processes cannot help affecting the domestic market, including the labor market. The main goal of the research was to study the impact of modern technologies on professional success and self-efficiency. The following tasks were solved: the study of attitudes and expectations of modern youth regarding the development of information technology; the analysis of the reaction of the labor market and initiative groups to the development of modern technologies is carried out, changes in relation to professional requirements are considered; the influence of self-efficiency on professional success is investigated and the predictors of self-efficiency formation in modern conditions are studied. Materials and methods. The study was based on a survey of the student audience. The main purpose of the survey was to study the attitude of young people to the development of modern information technologies and their expectations regarding this process. The paper uses the analysis of materials submitted by ASI, the Ministry of labor and social protection of the Russian Federation on the further development of the labor market and requirements for professions. Results. The survey revealed interest in the development of modern technologies among young people. However, there is some concern about replacing human labor with artificial intelligence. Expectations for the further development of information technology are mixed, which is probably due to the different level of awareness of this issue in the student environment. The paper presents an overview of the changes in the labor market in the light of the fourth scientific and technological revolution and the start of STI in Russia. Questions of influence of self-efficiency on professional success, and also predictors of formation of self-efficiency in modern conditions are raised.
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