Ostrivnaya Elena Anatolevna – (Rostov State University of Economics)
The article deals with the applied aspect of media education in the process of creating a model of student television in the conditions of the knowledge economy, the emergence of new professions at the junction of technology and humanitarian knowledge as a form of studying at the university. The aspects that characterize the new conditions for the training of professional cadres in the mass media sphere, the requirements imposed by convergent media and the formats that allow coping with these tasks are touched upon. Student television becomes the cornerstone that underlies the formation of the competencies of a multimedia specialist who possesses the necessary baggage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills both in the field of digital content creation and the ability to work with him at the stage of post-production. This corresponds not only to the requirements of GEF, but also to the state policy for the development of the digital society, fixed in the adopted programs of the government of the Russian Federation.
• Today convergent journalism and the knowledge economy, as never before, mutually influence each other and jointly affect the life of society as a whole.
• The question of what should be offered to the educational system for the economic realities of the new format, when a specialist is required not only with knowledge of his subject area, but also having the competence of digital interaction with all structures of the digital economy, is very urgent and requires an immediate solution.
• The problem of formation a specialist of the future can’t be solved in old paradigms; in this case, the result would be consistent with the tasks that have already left the agenda.
• The change of the vector towards tutorial-practical training is not only broadcast to the society by the student community and the mass media, but also proves its effectiveness in studies conducted in higher education institutions of Russia and abroad.
• Undoubted way out of the current situation is the creation of educational models that would allow forming a creative environment for the development of scientific thought, the professional potential of students and the search for ways to achieve the goals most quickly and adequately the state of affairs.
• The model of student television as an experimental laboratory created at the Department of Journalism of the RSUE makes it possible to draw conclusions about the useful experience gained in the process of its implementation. The carried out researches and the saved up empirical material allow to move in this direction and further.
• Modeling of economic and professional processes in the educational environment makes it possible to set tasks of the next level of complexity in the study of this field, involving other educational institutions and structures of the real economy.
• Media education in the paradigm of the creative economy is an area that requires scientific attention and research work, the results of which are in demand by time.
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