Akhmetshin Ayrat Adikovich – (Bashkir Inter-industry Institute of Labor Protection, Ecology and Safety)
In article the features and a role of institutions of the additional professional education (APE) in modern conditions of economic development are considered. Classification of all wide variety and a set of educational institutions in area of APE, providing educational services in numerous programs of training with use of the morphological analysis (a morphological box) for the purpose of a possibility of receiving a complete description and idea of a concrete APE institution is offered at further developing of organization development management strategy for maintenance and increase its viability. The table with the main signs of classification and their values (types of APE institution) for each sign is constructed, which allows to define and characterize a set of APE institutions, to describe any APE institution by a set of combinations of one of values of each classification sign and to create the system of coding on its basis.
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