Akhmetshin Ayrat Adikovich – (Bashkir Inter-industry Institute of Labor Protection, Ecology and Safety)
Ibatullin Ural Galievich – (Bashkir Inter-industry Institute of Labor Protection, Ecology and Safety)
In article the criteria and factors influencing on quality of the educational services (ES) of organizations of the additional professional education (APE) are considered. For achievement of the best results in competitive struggle at the expense of high quality ES is offered development, implementation and ensuring effective functioning of the integrated system of management (ISM) which includes the following subsystems: system of quality management (SQM), system of ecological management (SEM), system of management of health protection and industrial safety (SMHPaIS), and also client-focused management (CFM). The method of forming of ISM according to the parallel scheme in case of its development taking into account two various systems of impact assessments on quality of ES is recommended: cost and ball.
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