Nagorny Victor D. – RUDN University (RUDN University)
Lyashko Marina U. – RUDN University (RUDN University)
Production and use of soybean grain are a strategic problem for the development of agricultural production in many countries. A large number of studies have been devoted to the study of the biological, physiological and agrotechnics characteristics of soybean, and especially to the understanding of the mechanism and conditions for the maximum manifestation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Significant progress in the technology of production of this crop is a cut-clear positive result of these works. However, both the average yield and the manifestation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation are still far from the real biological potential of soybean. The monograph presents modern ideas about the biology and agrotechnics of this crop, summarizes the results of studies carried out in different countries over the past 50 years and the authors' own experimental work on the impact of various factors on the productivity of soybean plants, on the formation and activity of the symbiotic apparatus. We describe characteristics of mineral nutrition and the impact of nitrogen forms on the activity of biological atmospheric nitrogen fixation; we outline the basics of soybean fertilizer system, taking into account the criteria for soil and plant diagnostics of mineral nutrition. We specify conceptual scientific issues and production challenges that still lie ahead.
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