Larin Nikita Andreevich – (Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov)
Modern society live in a time full of changes, including in the educational environment. In recent years, there has been a change - a homogeneous and monocultural environment has changed with cultural diversity. The consequence of such changes can form emotional burnout among teachers, due to the complexity of their professional activities. The purpose of our study is to identify the presence or absence of emotional burnout among teachers working and, accordingly, not working in a multicultural environment. During the study, the methods of tests "MBI" ("Burnout Questionnaire", K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted N. E. Vodopyanova). The studies were conducted in two groups of teachers (working and not working in a multicultural environment). The novelty of the study is reflected in this article, the difference in the impact of multicultural environment on the development of emotional burnout of teachers. The main conclusions of the work: the results of the study revealed differences in the level of emotional burnout of teachers on the scales "emotional exhaustion" and "integral burnout index", among workers and non-workers in a multicultural environment. Thus, we believe that a multicultural environment can have a negative impact on the teachers working with it.
1. Emotional burnout is most often observed in professionals belonging to the "helping" professions (police, rescue, doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.).
2. Psycho-emotional exhaustion is due to constant stress.
3. Studies show that a multicultural environment for teachers is an additional factor in the development of emotional burnout.
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