Popova Elena Aleksandrovna – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
Polunina Natalya Yurevna – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
The article considers the formation and development of the infrastructure of the agro-industrial market of the Voronezh region, as well as the program of its perfection, which predetermined the purpose of this study. The implementation of this program will help to solve the existing problems, namely, the low level of production and technical potential, the lack of large agricultural holdings, low in-vestment attractiveness of the agricultural sector, the lack of qualified specialists, the lack of development of integration ties in the agro-industrial complex, the presence of insolvent agricultural organizations. The region also has a state program for the development of agriculture, a system of subsidies and the functioning of multifunctional centers, which are aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the Voronezh region for investment. The program of improvement of infrastructure of the agro-food market of the region is intended for heads and specialists of the agricultural organizations and public authorities of agroindustrial complex.
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