Gareev Ilnur Failovich – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
The article reflects the results of a sociological study on the attitude of older citizens towards this new format of residence as social settlements. As a result of a survey of different categories of citizens, including those who live in nursing homes and those who receive social services at home, conclusions were received on the need for the establishment of a new social service institution in the country for people of the older generation - social settlements. As a result of the presented conclusions, we formulated the requirements for the concept and key parameters of the architectural and planning decisions of the social settlement. The results of the study can be taken into account when developing projects for the construction of social settlements in the regions of the country. The presented materials will be useful for the bodies of social protection, commercial organizations and all those who are interested in creating a comfortable environment for the elderly and developing new ones, including rural, territories.
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