Romashkina Yuliya Valerevna – (Institute of Economics – ” Karelian research center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”)
Karginova Valentina Vladimirovna – (Institute of Economics – ” Karelian research center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”)
The object of this study is the human capital of the elder population of the Republic of Karelia. The main methods are statistics and econometric methods. Source of data is open statistical data, as well as the results of a survey conducted in 2017 in the territory of three municipal district of the Republic of Karelia were considered. It was collected 527 questionnaires, consisting of 80 questions. Based on the analysis of the data conclusions are drawn about the human capital of pensioners of Karelia. Indicators of health, professional qualities, motivation, etc. have been analysed. Recommendations are made on increase the involvement of the elderly population in the region labor market This study may be useful for both Russian and foreign researchers as well as government and regional authorities for develop of the labor market.
• The percentage of the third age population increases which leads to a decline of share employed in the region.
• People of third age have the human capital that can be claimed in the labor market
• Evaluation of the human capital of elder people suggests that about 50% of current pensioners can and want to continue working. Institutional transformations can increase their share.
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