Tyurina Yuliya Gabdrashitovna – (Orenburg State University)
Lavrenko Elena Aleksandrovna – (Orenburg State University)
Seliverstova Nadezhda Igorevna – (Orenburg State University)
Kolmykova Marina Aleksandrovna – (Orenburg State University)
Samorukov Anatoliy Aleksandrovich – (Orenburg State University)
The state policy aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth in the Russian Federation, improving its quality, involves the search for and use of sources and tools to intensify and diversify the economy. Scientific and technological development of regions is one of the priorities of state policy and is determined by a set of external and internal factors that form a system of big challenges. The article summarizes and classifies the set of internal and external factors influencing the scientific and technological development of the region on the basis of systematization of the conceptual apparatus; structured the system parameters in matrix form are factors of NTR will be separated according to the degree of intensity and extensity, external and internal exposure, control and chaos, predictability and unpredictability.
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