Belyaeva Svetlana Sergeevna – Post-graduate student, Department of Economy, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, lecturer of «Torgovo-ekonomichesky Kolledzh» («College of Trade and Economy») Budget Vocational Training Institution of the Omsk Region
Kiselyova Marina Mikhaylovna – Manager, Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics named after N.E. Zhukovsky
The important role in the infrastructure of innovative process belongs to the parts providing effective communication and interaction between the scientific and technological sector and production as well as giving an opportunity of promoting innovations to the end user. Innovative centres are the main parts by means of which it is possible to provide effective communication and interaction of scientific and technical structures with production, and also build up business abilities. This article is about such centres. The article is meant for businessmen working in the industrial sector and services, researchers of various elements of the new economy.
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