Tagarov Bato Zhargalovich – (Baikal State University)
The work is devoted to the analysis of the state of e-Government in Russia under conditions of creation of an information society. We show the difference between the terms "e-Government" and "e-State" and consider the goals and problems of the implementation of e-Government concept. We identify two stages of informatization of the authorities, namely, the stage of informatization of the existing processes and the stage of qualitative change of public goods production. We analyze the use of information technologies by the authorities and consider the Internet usage statistics during the interaction between the population and officials. We conclude that today the processes of informatization are aimed at improvement of the efficiency of the existing governmental structure.
• There are two main stages of the introduction of the e-Government concept, namely, improvement of government performance through information technologies and qualitative change of the public goods production system.
• The goals of the e-Government are improvement of the efficiency of authorities and the quality of their services; reduction of information costs of the population and business; participation of citizens in the production process of public goods.
• The main regulatory document regulating information process in Russia is the State Program "Information Society 2011–2020".
• Data from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) show that authorities increasingly use information technologies.
• The percentage of Russian citizens engaging with the authorities via the Internet has increased steadily over the years. People more often get access to the authorities’ website through mobile devices.
• The high quality of communications infrastructure encourages it. Russia ranks 2nd in the world in terms of the availability of cellular communication services and 10th in terms of the availability of broadband Internet connection.
• The informatization of authorities in Russia lags behind the developed countries. In 2016, Russia ranked only 35th place in the e-Government development index.
• Russia is in the first stage of implementing the e-Government.
• The main problems of implementing e-Government in Russia include the lack of financial resources, organizational inertia and bureaucracy.
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