Avdeev Yuriy Alekseevich – (The Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Sidorkina Z.I. – (The Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Ushakova V.L. – (The Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
The article considers dynamics of components of changes in resident population in the Far East for the 1991-2016 years. We present current trends in migration processes and analyze the structure of mixed migration flows. The reduction in the number of permanent population in the Far East has persisted for a quarter of a century; however we should note the reduction of change rate. A short-term compensating factor of the declining population is the natural increase. The negative balance of migration is formed by interregional flows, and this trend can be changed only through overcoming the gap between nominal and real incomes of the population. The migration factor affects the age and educational structure of the population.
1.The effect of stimulating fertility in a region with a relatively balanced demographic structure and where, as a result of intensive migration outflow, the region has lost the most active part of its population, will be obviously different.
2.The negative balance of migration is the result of interregional migration exchanges, when the Far East is a migration donor for other areas of the country, and migration flows from the near and far abroad countries slightly reduce these losses
3.Successful people, whose business prospects, as a rule, have outgrown regional scales, while assessing differences in the level and quality of life in the regions, decide to leave the Far East.
4.In fact, the Far East is a «demographic donor» for the Russian federal districts, while none of them gives a positive balance in the exchange with the Far East
5.Active migration processes, geographical distance from the leading scientific and educational centers of Russia, point to the need for cardinal changes in the sector of higher and secondary special education of the Far East. Over the past 10 years, the number of young students in higher education institutions in the region has declined, not only because of the low birth rate in the 1990s, but also because of the outflow to central universities
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