Avdeev Yuriy Alekseevich – (The Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
The Far East is the territory of declining population. This trend has persisted for a quarter of a century and the measures being taken cannot improve this situation. The subject of this article is to consider what economic, managerial and legislative tools may be offered to address the occurring processes, and what resources are available for this.
•Even the most unimaginable population growth will not change the demographic situation in the macroregion
•the goal of Russia's demographic policy in the Far East should be the population's outstripping growth in relation to the inflow of investment and newly created workplaces
•Performance indicators for measures to contain the outflow and stimulate the influx of population could be the Far East people who have left in recent decades, and for whom the adaptation period does not take much time
•the situation is characterized by the lack of a systemic vision of the problem, and an endless set of private tasks, the solution of which rests on a limited budget framework, which allows achieving the desired result at the expense of excessive costs
•we need to exclude from the migration legislation all obstacles to the accelerated acquisition of citizenship by compatriots in the Far East, and to grant them the right to participate in the project, the Far Eastern hectare
•a promising area in the integration processes of the Asia-Pacific region could be an assessment of the opportunities for the formation of a single labor market for the countries of North-East Asia and the Russian Far East.
•We should consider the issues of where and under what conditions Russia will be able to take the leading positions in the Asia-Pacific region as priorities, and provide preferential treatment and appropriate legislation
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