Zhokhova Valentina Vladimirovna – (Far Eastern Federal University)
Denisov Vladimir Vengerevich – (Far Eastern Federal University)
The study allows to highlight certain trends in the development of regional entrepreneurship, as well as to identify the most urgent problems of the implementation of state policy in this area. The article presents the monitoring of the business in Primorsky region in the period 2016-2017. The goal of the monitoring is to examine regional entrepreneurship and to study the motivation of an entrepreneur to a successful business activity, contributing to socio-economic development of the region. The article draws attention to the entrepreneurial activity and aspirations of entrepreneurs, their perception and attitude to the regional entrepreneurship support program, to the implementation of the state program “Economic development and innovative economy of Primorsky Krai” for 2013-2017”” and to the performance of the sub-program “Development of small and medium-sized businesses in Primorsky Krai”.
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