Gabdrakhmanov Oleg – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Economics and Financial Law, Autonomous Non-profit Organisation of Higher Education “Institute of Business Career” (Autonomous Non-profit Organisation of Higher Education “Institute of Business Career”)
The monograph considers theoretical and methodological foundations of the content of informal economic networks in service sector. We consider such paradigm of informal networking of economic entities as a demand in the search for a new economic model capable of providing socio-economic development, increase in the population' standard of living, reduction of uncertainty and crisis manifestations. Network forms of activity organization have become a real tool for solving economic problems, which takes the forms of cooperation, division of labor, integration, synergy and human creativity. We present the classification of informal economic networks in service sector. We show that the scope of attributes of informal economy is continuously expanding, reflecting the nature of impact of many social and economic factors that form the real organization of economic activity in the country. The monograph generalizes methodical approaches to the study of informal economic networks in service sector. We prove the need for a transition from the application of disparate theoretical and methodological tools that justify the direction of the transformation of certain sectors and branches to complex methods which allow to disclose the patterns of their social and economic transformation in an emerging networked society and to study the status and dynamics of the development of informal economic networks in service sector. The monograph is intended for scientific workers, students of economic specialties, employees of departments, commercial structures and entrepreneurs.
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