Krasyuk Irina Anatolevna – (Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU))
Mirzoeva Darya Dmitrievna – (Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU))
The paper discusses the changing role of trade in the system of commodity circulation. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of trade in the system of commodity circulation based on the study of Russian experience. Such research methods as evaluation of innovation potential, cost, factor and strategic analysis, methods of monographic examination, graphic interpretation will be applied. According to Shnorr J.P. opinion, the state and development of trade in the context of globalization causes an increase in its role in the system of commodity circulation. The development of trade has an impact on changing the competitive situation, as Evstigneeva T. V. rightly noted, this contributes to the expansion of the scope of marketing tools in the management of commercial enterprises. An important direction of improving the competitiveness of trade enterprises is to improve the quality of trade services, which was studied in the works of Kadatskaya D.V. Permanent improvement of trade activity, increase of its role in system of the commodity address allows to provide differentiation of the commodity offer and to saturate the consumer market with domestic production. The effectiveness of trade organizations depends on a strategic assessment of innovation. The results of the study are as follows: the comparative evaluation of the operating activities of the leading retail grocery retail chains X5 Retail Group and Magnit substantiates the need for innovative development. It is concluded that the innovative development of trade is aimed at improving trade and technological processes and the use of information technologies. Materials can be useful in developing strategies for the development of commercial enterprises.
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