Kalakaeva Kristina Zazaevna – (North Ossetian State University)
Mrikaev Dzantemir Maratovich – (North Ossetian State University)
The article addresses the issue of the impact of economic sanctions on the financial system of Iran. Economic sanctions mean economic actions that are prohibitive in nature, applied by participants in international trade in relation to another participant for compelling them to change their political course. We mark the prerequisites for imposing economic sanctions against Iran and the main restrictions imposed by a group of foreign countries that involve the ban on the export of nuclear, missile and most military products to Iran, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the gas, oil and petrochemical industry of Iran, exports of fine refined products, the ban on any contacts with the Army of the Revolutionary Guards, banks and insurance companies, financial transactions and cooperation with Iranian Navy. The article also names restrictions on the activities of European banks, American financial institutions and companies, including their branches outside the USA (but not their subsidiaries). Restrictions on the US dollar rate are a serious problem for non-US banks that can do business in Iran, but cannot be paid in US dollars. In particular, we analyze the impact of economic sanctions on the Iranian banking system, the exchange rate and inflation. The restrictions on the US dollar rate have not been abolished and are not a serious problem for non-US banks that can do business in Iran, but cannot be paid in US dollars. We consider the change in the monetary policy of Iran and its efficiency.
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