Drozdova Ekaterina Sergeevna – (Institute of Economics and Management (a division) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University ». Republic of Crimea, Simferopol )
The article considers the issues of improvement of seaports functioning through efficient management of production processes. We conclude that there is a need for a comprehensive application of a unified methodical approach to the management facility, the seaport, which provides an opportunity for a comprehensive study of the facility, implementation of the management process to achieve the specific economic enterprise’s goals and avoid mistakes that can lead to negative consequences for the enterprise. We study in detail factors affecting the functioning of the ports of the Crimea, among which a carefully developed management system for the needs of the enterprise plays an essential role. We’ve determined that the information base of decision-making methods in seaport functioning is formed through rational planning and accounting; economic stimulation is a mechanism for providing feedback between management personnel and the object of management. We thoroughly study the essence of management methods, their linkage in the sphere of information; we suggest the authors' classification of methods for assessing the management of the seaport in various aspects; in particular, the use of the method of paired comparisons on the basis of multidimensional scaling to calculate a number of priority factors affecting the efficiency of seaports functioning in the Crimea.
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