Krasheninnikova Alina Ravilevna – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Maslennikov Daniil Niyazovich – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
The article is devoted to the relevant issue of the development of resource-saving technologies and improvement of energy performance and energy efficiency of the construction complex of modern Russia and reasonable, economically justified use of all types of energy resources, reduction of waste and emissions in the design, construction, and operation of construction objects throughout their life cycle. The article analyzes stages of building life cycle from the perspective of investing in energy conservation; we identify its energy interrelations in the reproduction process in accordance with the specifics of each stage. We consider the main ways to achieve the energy efficiency of the future building at the design stage, the details of the variant design of energy saving in terms of improving the heat-shielding properties of external enclosing structures (by the example of the insulation of the exterior walls of a residential building with the use of two types of insulation such as fiberglass and basalt). We’ve chosen the most effective insulator using the results of calculations and set of characteristics. The results of the article may be useful to design engineers, developers and other experts in construction complex, as well as to potential owners of various real estate objects.
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