Kulkov Andrey Aleksandrovich – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Rogozhnikova Anna Andreevna – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Creation of a comfort and safe public zones in the urban system is a priority direction of urban policy of the State. Along with the development of housing construction and the implementation of state and municipal programs, the most urgent issue is the need to develop methodological and practical recommendations on the creation of yard space. In order to create universal models for improving outdoor territories, we’ve analyzed modern practice of housing construction in the territory of the Russian Federation; we also made a comprehensive assessment of urban public spaces taking into account their compliance with modern consumer requirements. The results obtained in the article, namely, methodological recommendations for yard design under the conditions of the existing building, recommendations for improving the quality of existing outdoor territories, models for improving new yard spaces differentiated by class of housing stock, may be practically applied in development activities.
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