Savchenko Ya.V. – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
Mikhaylova N.S. – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
The article analyzes prevalent social infrastructure projects in physical education and sports in Russia. We analyze public-private partnership projects in terms of forms, levels and terms of implementation. We consider foreign forms and models of PPP (public-private partnership) used in physical education and sports practice. We also present an alternative model of state-business interaction in public-private partnership projects developed within the life cycle contract. This model is adapted for the sphere of physical education and sport in Russia. We compare the advantages and disadvantages of two models, namely: the model of life cycle contract and concession agreement which is the most common model of business and power interaction in social infrastructure projects. We consider all advantages and economic benefits of the state and private partner from the use of the lifecycle contract for physical education and sports sphere.
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