Yakshibaeva Gulnara Vakhitovna – (Ufa State Aviation Technical University)
The article studies the dynamics and classification of types of labor migration. We analyze current migration within Russia (intraregional, interregional) and international migration, their directions, flows, trends and characteristics. Migration processes in the country like litmus paper indicate the unfavorable and uneven socio-economic status of the constituent entities in the Russian Federation. As a rule, labor migrants leave their underdeveloped, depressed regions to work in relatively developed regions-leaders; for the donor-subject it is the loss of its labor potential, labor resources and, ultimately, it will negatively affect the economic development of the region and aggravate the existing differentiation. We identify the regions and federal districts with an inadequate migration situation where we can see an intensive outflow and an active influx of the population, in particular, of the working population. We suggest measures to improve the situation in the regions and the migration situation in the Russian Federation, namely: creation of new high-paying jobs, investment in productive and economic activities, development of the agro-industrial complex, support of entrepreneurial activities, improvement of the infrastructure of the territories etc.
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