Frolova Olga – Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n.a. Yu. Senkevich (Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n.a. Yu. Senkevich )
Lopatinskaya Victoria – Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The monograph considers the issue of forming intercultural competence in teaching professionally-oriented foreign language to future workers of tourism sphere, who in virtue of their future profession will have to deal with representatives of different nationalities at international and interpersonal levels. The relevance of the topic correlates with the tasks of preparing young people for life and work in a multicultural world in the spirit of the dialogue of cultures. The authors analyze conceptual approaches to professionally-oriented formation of intercultural competence and theoretically justify the cultural-paradigmatic approach considered from the position of integration of cultures. The monograph presents the authors’ interpretation of the concept of “intercultural competence”, the essence of which is substantiated, concretized and revealed, as well as the structure and components of the concept of intercultural professional competence of future workers in the tourism industry are clarified. The monograph also specifies and theoretically justifies the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional intercultural competence. The monograph contains methodical annexes which present variants of familiarizing students with cultural realities and fragments of a textbook aimed at the formation of intercultural competence. The monograph is an attempt to contribute to the solution of the problem of professionally-directed formation of intercultural competence of future tourism professionals, but does not cover all the problems of the formation of intercultural competence and can not claim to be comprehensive scientific description of all aspects of this complex and multifaceted process.
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