Eremenkov Dmitriy Sergeevich – (Southwestern State University)
Moshkevich Mariya Leonidovna – (Southwestern State University)
The article considers the relevant issues of energy saving in housing and utilities. One of the biggest factors of constant tariff escalation for electric energy for the population is an underestimation and, as a consequence, the growth of electric power losses during its transmission over networks to the end user. Under current legislation the power losses are included in the tariff for the end-user. Implementation of modern systems for control and accounting of electricity at all stages of its transfer to the end-user is one of the possible solutions to the problem of reducing power losses. There are various analogues of western systems of automated accounting and control of electricity in Russia. In practice, such automated systems are used only in several Russian cities. The systems of resource accounting and control are also not used in Kursk. The article provides the calculation of possible efficiency of such system for energy accounting in Kursk. It is based on normative documents in the sphere of tariff-setting in electric energy. We also show the limits of the potential reduction of the tariffs for the population due to the reduction of electric power losses during its transmission over networks to the end-user.
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