Vladykina Yuliya Olegovna – (Novosibirsk State Technical University)
Tourism industry as one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Tourism industry, accumulating resources in the region, is able to develop the infrastructure and socio-economic aspects of the economy, and is intended to be a tool for territorial investment and socio-economic stability. In order to gain effective outcome, targeted measures should be well developed and have a long-term nature. Besides, the analysis of the options and choice of the "point of application of the force" should be the most important aspect of planned success. According to the current strategy for tourism development in the Russian Federation, many regions are actively integrated into the development process of a comfortable tourism environment and internal product; some regions have thoroughly worked out the social aspect of interaction between tourism sphere and territorial entities, ensuring the promotion of a high-quality and safe product on the market; other regions are in the process of creation of information bases and tourism registers. However, all participants, without exception, who are planning to somehow invest in this area, expect to attract new resources, new businesses, people and tourists in their regions. Despite the common goal and current tasks, the results are obviously different. Such source data, like, for example, natural and recreational conditions, are not a priority in this process, because there are territories of a very limited diversity and sufficiently high level of tourist product. Obviously, the management system is a very important factor. However, in this article, we consider the pre-management stage, which has a further impetus, the growth point, which gives rise to new products, tourist flows and investments.
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