Molchanova V.A. – (Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
The article is devoted to the specifics of implementation of the Competition Development Standard for tourism regions. The theory of competition and a systematic approach to the consideration of factors that determine competitiveness are a methodological basis of the research. In the study we use the analysis of strategic documents on socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and documents on the introduction of the Competition Development Standard in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As a result of the research, we revealed the discrepancies in a number of regions between strategic development goals and planned measures for the implementation of the Competition Development Standard. The author developed a complex of indicators of competitiveness of the region in tourism market on the basis of current indicators of global competitiveness in tourism and adapted it for practical needs of market situation monitoring, strategic analysis and development of measures to improve competitiveness in the implementation of the Competition Development Standard. We show the example of application of indicators in the comparative assessment of the resorts of Sochi and Antalya. The results of the study may be useful to regional tourism offices, authorized bodies promoting competition in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The paper is of interest to scientists engaged in the issue of competition development in regions dedicated to tourism.
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