Dobrokhleb Valentina Grigorevna – (The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISESP RAS) )
Labor and social security of employees in the labor market is related to two directions, namely, on the one hand, to the system of social institutions that regulates the relations between wage labor and capital, in the broadest sense – the employer and the employee, and on the other hand, to the volume of the human potential of the employee. The article confirms the relationship between the level of employment of older people and their education. We show that under the conditions of demographic aging of the population the urgency of the completion of formation of institutions of continuous education in Russia is raising. It should be borne in mind that low level of pensions is not the only reason for employment of the elderly in Russia, so is the motivation for self-realization, including in the labor market. In this context, the urgency of the problem of quality-retraining of labor resources is that when retiring people have a modern stock of professional knowledge
1. People, who have preserved their educational and qualification potential, health and are motivated to continue their work, also belong to the labor force in retirement age
2 Among young workers aged 25-29 years, the share of employees with higher education is more than 40%. Among the older employees the share of employees with higher education is more than 30%.
3 In terms of GDP, Russia ranks 10th in the world, and in terms of education spending it ranks 98 (4.1% of GDP).
4 We need to create conditions for inclusion in the education system "through life" even at retirement age
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