Khutorova Natalya Aleksandrovna – (Institute of Law and National Security of RANEPA)
Fofanova Anna Yurevna – (Murmansk Branch of RANEPA)
Kalmykov Nikolay Nikolaevich – (Expert and Analytical Center of RANEPA)
Antonova Natalya Evgenevna – (Economic Research Institute FEB RAS)
Kryuchkov Andrey Nikolaevich – (Togliatti branch of the Russian Botanical Society)
Emelyanov Aleksey Valerevich – (Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin)
The foundations of State policy on the use, protection and reproduction of forests for the period until 2030 are aimed at introduction of the model of intensive forestry in old-cultivated forests and at stopping the expansion of the forest industry into intact forest landscapes, which are in line with socioeconomic and environmental interests and require the alignment of these objectives with the legislative framework and state development programs. In practice, the State program "Forestry Development" for 2013-2020 remains focused on preserving the outdated and inefficient extensive forest management model that led to the crisis in the forest sector, and does not provide the development of differentiated forest management approaches in the coming years in accordance with the target forest functions. In the article, based on the analysis, we give recommendations for improving the efficiency the implementation of this model.
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