Zimova Natalya Sergeevna – (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of social adaptation of labor migrants from Central Asia countries in modern Russian society. The article analyzes the main empirically fixed indicators of social adaptation of labor migrants considering such types of adaptation as linguistic, social, economic, cultural and professional. We reveal the problems of social adaptation of labor migrants and their causes.
• 20 % of migrants do not know Russian.
• 40 % of labor migrants have never completed any vocational training.
• Labor migrants do not have adequate access to social and medical services.
• 70 % of labor migrants find job through informal migrant networks.
• 46 % of labor migrants negatively assess their living and working conditions.
• Developed network of ethnic diasporas makes cultural adaptation difficult.
• Russians are cautious about labor migrants
• Labor migrants are focused on partial adaptation.
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