Popov A. I. – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, honored worker of higher school of Russia; professor of the department of economic theory, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance finec_oet@mail.ru
Ivanov Sergey Aleksandrovich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor of economics and management, St. Petersburg State University Fire Service EMERCOM Russia
This article discusses the transition from well-known classical models of human behavior «homo economicus» to the model of the creative person «homo creativus», the basic provisions of which are knowledge, innovation, sciencetechnology. A critical analysis of the Marx’s model «homo faber», Bentama’s model «rational hedonist» and its varieties, considered by A. Marshall, J. Schumpeter, U. Dzhevonsom etc. In this paper, the advantages of creative human model are justified and specific suggestions for updating the technological basis and the formation of innovative and creative economy in Russia.
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