Gareev Ilnur Failovich – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Efrosinina Sofya Andreevna – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
The business environment in the housing market depends on many factors, and participatory construction occupies a key place in it. Taking into account the significance and the changing situation, we set a goal to identify the key issues in the field of participatory construction, that’s why it is necessary to analyze the accents of researchers in the study of this issue. We’ve collected primary data using the method of a mystery shopper and interviewing representatives of developers. Based on the results of the study, we made conclusions about the extent of the impact of law provisions on shared participation on the volume of housing construction and the number of defrauded shareholders. The materials of this article are the results of the next stage of our study on participatory construction; we updated and filled the information field with new knowledge about the impact of legislative changes on the actions of market participants. The findings of the study will be useful for legislators, developers and citizens concerned about reducing risks when purchasing a home in houses under construction.
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