Levkina Elena Vladimirovna – (Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service)
Strengthening the role of innovations in successful business activities indicates the need to examine and supplement the theoretical foundations of efficiency assessment of innovation activities. Efficiency assessment of innovation activity of the industry at the meso-level allows considering industrial and regional characteristics. The fishing industry is a strategic sector not only in the Far East but and in the whole country. Innovations in the fishing industry are one of the key factors of its development. Consequently, the efficiency assessment of innovation activity is necessary for the assessment of the results of innovations, and to further development of the fishing industry. The article updates and expands the indexes of efficiency assessment of innovation activities of sectoral systems at the meso-level. The efficiency assessment of innovation activities by proposed indicators was tested on the example of the fishing industry in the Primorsky Territory. Assessment of the impact of factors on the efficiency of innovation activities of the fishing companies allows to identify their further development. General scientific methods of research are the methods of analysis and synthesis, namely, the study and analysis of scientific, educational publications and articles, analytical method for the justification of the dynamics of fisheries development. The results of the study can be used in the financial activities of fishing enterprises, and in teaching practice in higher educational institutions.
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