Mukhitdinova Firyuza Abduraschidovna – (Tashkent State University of Law)
Bakaeva Feruza Abdusafievna – (State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan)
In this article on the basis of scientific studies of innovative competitiveness of the Republic of Uzbekistan we have studied the results of the modernization of the economy implemented in business field. We also examine a legal protection of the rights of entrepreneurs considering Uzbek development model. Using the results of the researches and by discussing we define a set of measures and actions aimed at ensuring and promoting the economic security of the country.
•The main line of the state development of the Republic of Uzbekistan lies in following its own path, considering the thorny path of formation and the peculiarities of the mentality of the nation
•In order to integrate into the world community you should match modern concepts of a democratic state with an economically developed market
•Uzbekistan reduced the number of documents requested by customs authorities, and simplified the process of their filing and receipt
•GDP growth rate of Uzbekistan over the past 11 years has remained at a level of more than 8 percent annually
•In Uzbekistan there are more than 215,000 small business enterprises, which account for 27.8% to 98.4% of the volume in various sectors of the economy
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