The article presents the research on the efficiency improvement of business processes in electric power systems under the concept of Smart Grids, based on the experience of implementation of the innovative technology of NORMEL energy consumption management patented in Russia, the CIS, the EU, the USA and other countries. The research and the experience of implementation show that the effect of the application of technology shows itself not only in electric power consumers, but also in generating, grid and electric power companies, i.e. in the electric power system as a whole, including the power plant which is the source of electricity. The cumulative economic effect in the systemic mass application of innovative technology in the world's electric power systems can reach more than 50% of the savings in financial resources, as well as all social and environmental effects related to the generation, transmission, consumption of electricity. The paper states the approach to the estimation of the economic efficiency growth within the application of a new technology for the electric power companies. A similar assessment of the systemic mass application of a new technology can also be obtained for generating, marketing energy companies and electricity consumers.
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