The article is devoted to the issue of strategic management of an industrial enterprise in a rapidly changing environment. We show that the choice of strategic direction of development and the increase in the effectiveness of such management can be achieved through the formation, assessment and management of dynamic capabilities of the enterprise, which show themselves in the ability in a good time or in advance to transform the strategically important VRIN-resources in accordance with the predicted changes in the environment. The article proposes a method for assessing the dynamic abilities force of the enterprise, taking into account the relation between the level of dynamic abilities and their direction. We also propose a method for assessing the impact of the external environment on the dynamic abilities. We found out that in the theory of dynamic abilities nobody considers the important problem of strategic choice. We offer to solve this problem through implementation of the foresight technology. As a criterion for the final choice of development direction, we propose to use the coefficient of correspondence of the dynamic capabilities’ force of the enterprise to the force of the impact of the external environment.
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