Romanova Anna Ilyinichna – (Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kazan State Architectural and Construction University”)
Today, in the pursuit of competitiveness in the educational services, there is an urgent need for preservation of traditions of national education in training specialists, strengthening their competitiveness among graduates of other universities in the region and abroad. The main idea of this article lies in improving the system of interactions between production and science, in the search for the optimal training syllabus for bachelor of management in the regional University. At the same time, we consider the integration as a training and/or retraining of the main contractors of the educational market (students and professors) which is a more adequate for the requirements of the international labor market (demands and forecasts of employers). The article also examines the internationalization of education as the interpenetration of educational technologies and results of scientific research into the international activity, its prospects for the development of the region and regional industrial institution.
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