On the basis of the historical analysis of concepts of cluster paradigm, we drew a conclusion about innovative component of the cluster approach. We note that implementation of the cluster approach requires the formation of tools, which promote the creation and management of new structures and take into account the requirements of the environment, specifics of the industry and features of the territory where they are located. We give the author's view of the concept of "clustering potential", by which we mean a totality of the conditions, resources and factors, which are necessary for creation and efficient activity of cluster structures and which provide the sustainable, competitive and secure development of the region. We approved complex method of forming integrated industrial clusters in the region, which includes three consecutive stages: preliminary, main and final. We concluded that the Orenburg region is a region with an average (II) level of clustering potential of the region. In other words, we see the prerequisites for the creation of two or four potential clusters in the region despite the lack of necessary infrastructure. But at the same time there is a possibility of creation of the necessary infrastructure and we see all prerequisites for the establishment of enterprises.
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