Aliev Shafa Tiflis ogly – (Sumgayit State University)
Lachinov Elshan Tarlan ogly – (Sumgayit State University)
The article studies the problems and prospects of organisation of oil and gas processing industries in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is an oil-rich country, and in recent years, we may see the increase in natural gas production. The urgency of the need to review the effective organization of oil and gas processing system, including the development of a petrochemical complex in the country increases every year in the context of oil price volatility in world markets. The article provides the authors’ assessments of processes of petroleum refining and petrochemical complex in Azerbaijan within the main problems of development of these sectors under current conditions. We consider the main trends and prospects of the intensification of development of oil and gas processing industries through the expansion of a petrochemical complex in the country in the short term. The article is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Sumgayit State University.
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