The monograph describes theoretical and practical aspects of the development of trade industry in Russia and abroad. The theoretical ground for the development of the integrative potential of trade organizations has been formed. The author has systematized practical data on the state and pro-spects of the retail trade development, appraised the process of the retail trade internationalization, formation and subsequent development of the transboundary retail trade. The author’s assessment of social and economic role of trade in the process of import substitution, intensification of entre-preneurial activities of the economic entities and the increase of the share of modern type enter-prises on the Russian consumer market, the securing of territorial and economic accessibility of trade objects to the population has been presented. Economical-managerial and legal-organizational recommendations as for the formation and development of franchising systems activities, application of omni-channel strategy and green marketing in the activities of various trade organizations have been provided. The monograph may be useful to students, postgraduate students, lecturers of the economic disciplines in HEIs (higher educational institutions), also to the persons interested in upgrading their professional skills in the sphere of trade organization, as well as to the representatives of trade organizations when elaborating franchising strategy and tactics for trade enterprises, to top-managers on the federal and regional levels when developing program documents in the sphere of trade development.
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