Paltsun Irina Nikolaevna – (Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovskiy)
The active financing of the institute of informers (denunciation) by state regulators as a legal tool of fight against financial and economic crimes has a long history and is typical for different periods, countries, and nations. Despite the likely benefits of the measure, the approach requires a balanced and comprehensive assessment and validity as being associated with the ethical, psychological, and other motivational aspects. The subject of study is the institute of funding civil activity (informers) as a government’s tool of fight against corruption and fraud. The study of multiple-aspect phenomenon of "denunciation" from a scientific point of view resulted in grounded and distinguished preventive function aimed at the detection of conditions leading to violations of norms and standards and the identification of violations and perpetrators and bringing them to justice. We also define types of contemporary arguments for committing denunciation. Comparative historical analysis of establishing the institute of informers and the fund to encourage denunciations does not give a clear answer to issues on the appropriateness of each activity. Nevertheless, it allows drawing a conclusion about possible effectiveness of the measures. Among the advantages we can highlight an increase in number of solved corruption crimes, improvement in corruption perception index. However, we observe a number of negative factors: mass denunciations, the increase in "false" denunciations; creating an atmosphere of suspicion and uncertainty in society. The examined historical retrospective of domestic and foreign legal regulation of financing the institution of informers allowed to identify "obstacles" serving as a deterrent for false denunciations and prosperity of business on the basis of mass denunciations in real life.
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