Kosmin Anatoliy Danilovich – (Omsk State Technical University)
Kuznetsova Olga Pavlovna – (Omsk State Technical University)
Kosmina Elena Anatolevna – (Omsk Academy of the Humanities)
Kuznetsov Vladimir Vladimirovich – (Omsk State Technical University)
This work aims to show the economic base and "activity" limits of the liberal model of the Russian economy. Considering the results of the study we offer to make a sharp "U-turn" from the deregulation policy which was popular in the last century, privatization and reduction of state presence in the economy to the widest possible use of state regulatory mechanisms that form the institutional business environment along with the more traditional fiscal and monetary policies in order to improve the competitiveness and inclusive growth. Only the state with its "much enlightened" class is able to assess sensibly the situation and take on the burden of the country's transformation under the laws of natural and social harmony.
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