Adoption of Air Industry Products Promotion Methods by Russian Manufacturers to World Market
Lidiya Martynova
(about the author)
Martynova Lidiya Vyacheslavovna – Degree-seeking Student, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, Lecturer, Institute of Retraining and Development of Competence of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy of General Director for Marketing, CJSC Center-Pilot
Citation: Lidiya Martynova (2012). Adoption of Air Industry Products Promotion Methods by Russian Manufacturers to World Market. Creative Economy, 6(3), 40-45. — url:
Applicability of marketing tools utilization in Russian high-technology industries is proved. Directions of economical lags from foreign competitors under top range and large-scale state investments are specified. Adoption of principles and approaches of product promotion, clients services from best sellers of BRICS countries is offered.
References: 1. Blekuell R., Miniard P., Endzhen Dzh. Povedenie potrebiteley [Tekst]. – CPb.: Piter, 2007.
2. Izverzhenie vulkana v Islandii paralizovalo aviasoobschenie v mire [Elektronnyy resurs] //