The article examines factors, defining the nature of a system of interactions between economic entities of small industrial group (SIG). We study and summarize practical experience of small industrial groups and show their optimal functioning models. Using tools of matrix balance model the author analyzes the relationship structure of economic entities of small industrial group in the amount of required system resources and processes of their redistribution between entities on the assumption of the implementation of their activity on a compact territory of earlier-developed industrial site and common system resources sharing. We pay special attention to creation of subsidiary on the basis of the pre-reform enterprise. The subsidiary is a special corporate service center (CSC) aimed at providing services to enterprises of small industrial group. The services may be diverse but mandatory services are associated with functioning of industrial site infrastructure and the supply of necessary resources of required quality and quantity for all SIG enterprises. The article is devoted to the solving of issues of formation of economic relations of SIG entities within industrial site. That ensures sustained and stable functioning of its infrastructure, and this, in turn, creates favorable working conditions for the efficient activity of all enterprises of small industrial group. The information presented in this article will be interesting to Russian entrepreneurs, heads and experts of regional and municipal authorities, engaged in development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
-For Russia, the success of further development depends on the use of opportunities of small business and private entrepreneurship.
-State, regional and municipal programs of socio-economic development must take into account new real current forms of spatial-territorial organization of economic entities of small business and individual small entrepreneurship.
-We should form an informed view on the specifics of the formation of new forms of spatial-territorial organization of small businesses and main factors determining their sustainable functioning and development
-These very small industrial groups (SIG) on the earlier developed industrial sites have infrastructure resources necessary for entrepreneurs.
-The modeling procedure of relations between entities of small industrial group by means of tools of matrix balance model, allows to quantitatively examine some structural aspects of the small industrial group functioning, in particular connection of entities which is a defining characteristics of SIG as a system.
-All economic entities of SIG must solve on practice the problem of sustainable resources maintenance of the system under normative state of infrastructure functioning on earlier-developed industrial site. This is a prerequisite for the realization of industrial activity.
-On the industrial site a corporate service center (CSC) is organized and function. Its main task is to provide services to all enterprises of small industrial group. The services may be diverse but mandatory services are associated with functioning of industrial site infrastructure and the supply of necessary resources of required quality and quantity for all SIG enterprises.
-Proposed mechanism of formation of economic relations within industrial site ensures sustained and stable functioning of its infrastructure, and this, in turn, creates favorable working conditions for the efficient activity of all enterprises of small industrial group.
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