Owner and Director. How to Prevent Conflict of Interests
Oleg Knyazhev
(about the author)
Knyazhev Oleg Viktorovich – Postgraduate Student, Chair of Institutional Economy, State University of Administration, Production Director Premium Engineering LLC
Citation: Oleg Knyazhev (2012). Owner and Director. How to Prevent Conflict of Interests. Creative Economy, 6(2), 104-110. — url: http://bgscience.ru/com/lib/790
Efficient owner, strong director, professional specialists, good employees, modern equipment are the basis of long-term sustainable company activity. How is possible to organize relationship between company’s key persons – owner and
director? How to exclude conflict between them?
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2. Federalnyy Zakon ot 08.02.98 №14 «Ob obschestvakh s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyyu».
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