The article analyses the socio-economic situation in the Samara region during the period 2011-2015. The task of the study is a complex analysis of the regional system of economic relations emerged during the process of mortgage crediting. The second task is a scientific justification of a mortgage role in the development of the socio-economic potential of the Samara region. The object of the research is the system of mortgage crediting in Samara region. Methodological tools of the study are the methods of statistical analysis and rating. We examine the "depth" of decrease of regional mortgage market in the current economic crisis. We study the current regional system of mortgage crediting. We prove that with the effective regional support the mortgage crediting can serve as a factor of the economic growth of the system of the Samara region. We define the components of the economic effect of state financial support for mortgage crediting in economics, housing and socio-demographic policies. The research results deepen the conceptual approach to the assessment of the functioning of the regional mortgage system in objective financial and credit relations formed by crisis management.
- the main factors of crisis trends: the decline in a housing demand, market offer overflow, the decline in housing prices and in construction work in general
- decline in demand due to the reduction of household consumption, reduction or suspension of mortgage programs by banks, withdrawal of mortgage operators from the Samara market, a substantial increase of the interest rate
- the “classic” mortgage crediting model with the mortgage bonds as a source of the financing had less widespread
- in 2015 AHML refinancing volume had only 1.14% of the total volume of mortgage crediting
- contribution of mortgage crediting in the effectiveness of socio-demographic policy would be expressed in terms life satisfaction growth as a component of subjective well-being of the population
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